West Coast Fun - Pens
I'm going home to my city by the Bay
I left my heart in San Francisco
High on a hill, it calls to me
To be where little cable cars climb halfway to the stars- Tony Bennett
While I don’t call San Francisco home, and I certainly didn’t find love there, I did have an amazing time in the city by the Bay! The good folks over at Kanilea Pen Co invited me to attend the San Francisco Pen Show with them, to help out at their table. In short - good company, good food, good conversation and many many laughs were had!
The trip started very - VERY - early on Thursday morning, as we all loaded into the fancy chauffeured SUV. And then proceeded oh so slowly through rush hour traffic to the airport. But we made it, got through security with little fuss, and reached the gate as boarding began. An uneventful 6-hour flight later and we were landing in California. A short shuttle ride to the hotel driven by a Nascar-wanna be-Driver, and we were talking into the plush Westin San Francisco Airport hotel and the set up began!
Friday was the most hectic pen show I have ever experienced. It felt like people were at the front doors waiting with their credit cards in hand, ready to rush to their favorite vendors like Black Friday shoppers looking for the best deal of flat screens. It. Was. Nuts. But great for business - and after a few less than stellar shows this summer, a much needed change.
The highlight of the show for me, though, was meeting Waldmann Pen Company’s Master Engraver Stefanie Ottile and watching her engrave beautiful Waldmann Xetra Vienna fountain pens. The pure skill, talent, and artistry was amazing to watch. Our booth was right next to Luxury Brands USA, the US distributer for Waldmann Pens, so I was able to watch Stefanie numerous pens throughout the weekend. Due to the relationship between Kanilea and Luxury Brands, I was also able to meet the President of Waldmann, Stefan Schnirch. He accompanied Stefanie, and her husband Andreas, to the US, and all three were a delight to talk to. And of course I had to purchase a Xetra Vienna for Stefanie to engrave, which she did at the end of the day on Friday. I was able to watch the entire process, and can’t wait to receive the pen and work it into my everyday routine (the pens all had to go to Germany to be clear coated).
Saturday was less buyer-heavy, but just as crowded. Unfortunately, the day was also marred by a thief being spotted at the show. Luckily, he was spotted, followed, and captured by local law enforcement. All products were recovered and returned - but it did throw an unease about the show floor.
For those of you who don’t like all my endless pictures, you’re in luck - I was so busy, I forgot to take them most of the weekend. Here’s a few of Stefanie at work.
Remember to always Spin the Compass.