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Summer Lovin'

Summer Lovin'

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. – Dr. Seuss

I can’t believe summer is almost over. Some kids are already back in school… it’s been a long, exhausting summer full of travel, adventures, love and loss, laughter and tears, and pretty much all the emotions on the chart. So instead of boring you with details, I’ll simply photo-dump here and let you figure it all out…

Train your mind to see the good in everything.  Positivity is a choice.  The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. – Unknown

Life changes.  You lose love.  You lose friends.  You lose pieces of yourself that you never imagined would be gone.  And then, without you even realizing it, these pieces come back.  New love enters.  Better friends come along.  And a stronger, wiser you is staring back in the mirror. – Preetham Mohanty

Thanks for scrolling. I need a nap. Remember to always Spin the Compass…

The Whole Hog

The Whole Hog

Things I've learned

Things I've learned