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Rant and a Trip

Rant and a Trip

I was recently asked why I’m not on social media more. At the time, I was busy so just said “who has time for that mess” and let it go. But it got me thinking...

The truth, at least for me...

Social media has corrupted our ability to hold value to true friendships. We’ve become a society of insta-updates about meaningless daily events, but have forgotten the concept that actions speak louder than words, that friendship, honesty, integrity and brotherhood should mean more to you than just to be a meme or your profile picture, that your opinion of yourself should not be predicated by how many likes and shares your last post got, and that nothing online will compare to a face to face conversation, a real hug, and hearing someone’s voice without digital interface.

I know my place in the world. I know the list of people I can truly depend on, truly open up and be myself with, who won’t judge me or talk about me behind my back is smaller than a gnats nuts. I know I could delete 99% of my social media “friends” and none would even know it... until one tried to tag me in something or, more likely, needed me for something. Then they would act offended and butt-hurt that I had unfriended them, but the reality is they are upset I’m not there to be used, abused, and discarded like the trash they apparently think I am.

And I don’t care. I know who I am, I know what I want in life, and while I certainly don’t have most of it figured out, your opinion of me means nothing to me.

I am a firm believer that if you aren’t there for me when my world is dark and closing in on me, then I have no use for you when the sun is shining. I’d rather spend my time with a handful of people who actually care, who actually put effort into our relationship, who notice if I’m quieter than normal and check on me, than with a room full of strangers who only know me via my online profile. One true friend trumps every single “online only” friend and always will in my book.

And I’m not afraid to be alone. Not anymore.

I know I’ve been a horrible friend, a disappointing son, a failure at relationships, and a sad excuse for a brother, uncle, and husband or boyfriend. But here’s the thing. I’m not perfect. Nobody is. And the only thing I know for sure is that I am me, and so far, nobody has wanted me in their life permanently. And I’m ok with that. I’d rather be alone for the right reasons, then together for the wrong.

When someone does something to you and it upsets you, but then that same person turns around and does that same thing to someone else, and you’re not upset “because it’s not you”, that makes you a hypocrite. If it’s only important when it effects you directly, you have no integrity. And I have no use for you in my inner circle.

That said, I’ll still go to a party and drink a beer with any of you, I’ll still give you a cigar and talk the night away. But don’t expect to know more than the surface of “me”... because that’s earned, and very few have ever even attempted to earn it.

And if this post offends you, that should tell you a bit about yourself, too... because chances are, you’d be one of those 99% deleted... and I don’t care. Ba-bye.

Ok, rant over. Here are some pics to make you smile.

I recently went to Myrtle Beach Bike Week with my bike club. While the weather wasn’t always the best, the laughter and good times more than made up for it. I was able to get away a few mornings to go to Huntington Beach State Park, just south of Myrtle Beach, to get some birding in. Always love HBSP. If you’re ever in the Myrtle Beach area, I highly recommend spending a day at this beautiful state park. Here are a few pictures from the trip. All names have been changed to protect the guilty…

Until next time, remember to Spin the Compass…



