
Welcome to my blog.



“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” C.S. Lewis

This time of year, everyone does the typical “end of year” wrap-ups, New Year goals, or State of the Union type posts.  I haven’t decided if this is one of those, or not, but here goes nothing…

2021 wasn’t a bad year for me, when all is tallied. I moved into a house, escaping some memories and creating many more with all the space I now have (compared to my small apartment). I traveled a lot, more than I expected to when the year started. I have visited some friends, but not as many as I would have liked. I have regained some of my hobbies, dropping some old ones and starting some new ones. I have birded, fished, photographed, drawn, journaled, meditated, sang, ran, rode, and slept mostly in peace. I have had some minor health issues - nothing life threatening, but nonetheless, I spent a few nights in hospital beds. I cut out some people from my life, and added a few others, becoming extremely picky about who I let into my world anymore. I have had my down moments, but I’ve had some great highs, as well. Mostly it was a year of growth, rebuilding, restructuring, and freedom. And I hope to make 2022 even better. Here’s hoping, anyways…

“If you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will.”  Greg McKeown in “Essentialism”

As the calendar resets, I pledge to be more active and overall healthy.  While I have lost some weight the last few months, it hasn’t been truly healthy loss.  I know I need to eat better, and more frequently, instead of cramming all my daily calories into a single meal at the end of the day.  I need to move more, not just walking around the house, or an occasional backpacking weekend, but something on a daily basis.  Anyone who knows me knows I hate the gym - it’s boring, competitive, and bad juju. But I have my rower at home.  A mountain bike.  Tons of hiking trails relatively nearby.  I need to get back onto the yoga mat more frequently than I have been.  I’ve already started a path that will assist with some of this, and hopefully it sticks as new schedules flex.

“My goal is no longer to get more done, but rather to have less to do.”  Francine Jay

“A little nonsense now and then is cherished by the wisest men.”  Roald Dahl

In the next year, I pledge to play more, work less, and enjoy life to the fullest.  I know I have worked a lot the past couple years, paying off some debt, upgrading parts of the house, and maintaining some of my overly social life.  In the future, I will revise my idea of social life, spending more time with those who actually care if I am around, and less time with those who just use me and my generosity. I expect quite a few to be surprised when I turn down invitations, or just don’t show up to events.

“To the attentive eye, each moment of the year has its own beauty, and in the same field, it beholds, every hour, a picture which has never been seen before, and which shall never be seen again.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The results of my work don’t have much to do with me.  I can only be in charge of producing the work itself.  That’s a hard enough job.  I refuse to take on additional jobs, such as trying to police what anyone thinks of my work once it leaves my desk.”  Elizabeth Gilbert in “Big Magic”

I pledge to worry less about what people think of me, and worry more about what I think of myself.  I have been overly critical of myself for pretty much my entire life, and I need to stop that.  There is a long list of things I am thoroughly thankful for, and I need to keep that list in mind whenever my thought process starts taking a turn towards the dark depths.  Life is too short to worry about what other people think of me.

“Life is short.  Cut out the negativity, forget gossip, say goodbye to people who don’t care.  Spend time with the people who are always there.” Unknown

“I have learned three lessons this year.  Leave people where they are at, accept situations for what they are, and not every action needs a reaction.” Unknown

I pledge to move on from what I know is done and over. I recognize I have been holding a candle for the past, hoping for things I should just let go and move on from.  I need to stop this.  I need to accept what is, blow out the candle, pour off the melted wax, and move on with other, more productive endeavors.  In reflecting on this, I realize I have lived a lot of my life in the past, or at least with the past on my shoulder.  It has affected my decisions, changed how I interact with people, and guided my through relationships, whether for the better or not.  In the next year, I aim to let the past stay in the past, to look forward to the future with cleared vision, and to remember that life is made in the present moment.

“There is more to life than chasing after someone who does not want to be in yours.”  Bianca Sparacino

“Life changes.  You lose love.  You lose friends.  You lose pieces of yourself that you never imagined would be gone.  And then, without you even realizing it, these pieces come back.  New love enters.  Better friends come along.  And a stronger, wiser you is staring back in the mirror.”  Preetham Mohanty

“The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.”  Henry Ward Beecher

“The biggest lesson we learn is that loving someone and making them feel loved are two different things.” Sonia Sabnis

“No matter what, once in your life, someone will hurt you. That someone will take all that you are, and rip it into pieces and they won’t even watch where those pieces land. But through the breakdown, you’ll learn something about yourself. You’ll learn that you are strong, and no matter how hard they destroy you… you will be able to conquer anyone and anything.” Sarah Jakes

Nobody can tell what the future holds, especially given the previous two years, but I will say this - 2021 was MUCH better than 2020, which was better than 2019. So as long as I keep the momentum flowing in the direction it’s going already, I will be in good shape. For the one or two who actually read this (or more than likely, simply stumble onto it…), I hope you Spin the Compass and enjoy the ride.

“The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.” Jack London

Spring is in the air

Spring is in the air

